Monday, June 24, 2013

Goodbye Harvick...


   So where have I been? Why no new blog posts as of late? Well I have been having a bit of a real life personal issue that's been needing much closer attention. Our family dog (Harvick) was diagnosed with Kidney Failure a little over two weeks ago. Since that time my wife and I have been on a serious roller coaster of a ride. Going from sadness to sheer joy to tears flowing to happiness once more and back again.
   Before I get ahead of myself let me say, Harvick was hands down the most affectionate dog I have ever come across in my lifetime. I personally was never a fan of dogs in fact I hated dogs. I was attacked by my cousins pit bull (well, bitten by it a couple times) and after that I wanted no parts of Dogs. Yet when my wife convinced me to get a dog I thought I will never like this dog. I will be mean to him and not like him at all.
   I was in for a rude awakening, Harvick had ulterior motives for sure. Almost immediately his happiness and hyper activity was infectious. Although I didn't realize he was working his way into my heart. In the beginning Harvick was like any other Puppy. He was nosy, and always getting into things.

   Ok, I know you are asking, how the heck does this relate to Batman? :) I wanted to honor my dog really quickly as well tell a story that dealt with him and Batman.

   So when Harvick was a Puppy I would lock him in the kitchen with a baby gate at the door while I left to go to work. We would leave "training pads" in the kitchen in case he had to use the bathroom. Harvick was notorious for tearing up the training pads and shredding them to pieces. So much so it was the daily routine to come home, yell at him for being bad and then cleaning up the mess.
   This one particular day I came home from work and I looked in the door as I entered the house (the door entered into the kitchen). As I entered I could see something running in the living room. I looked and saw it was Harvick, running to the kitchen. My first thought was "I didnt lock him up when I left?" As I was entering I noticed no I DID lock him up, he had just chewed his way through the gate and was trying to get back in before I entered the house and caught him.
   Quickly Harvick realized he wasnt going to make it so he turned tail and took off. I yelled at him, "HARVICK GET BACK HERE!!" He ignored me and I heard him heading upstairs. I entered the living room and following him up the stairs, I saw him turn and thought..."That little SOB...He better not be going where I think his is!!" As I worked my way up the steps...I saw it...Batman's head...(Actually Bizarro Batman from Superman/Batman). I picked up the head and burst out..."You little MF'ER!!" (Although I said the words.)
   As I turned the corner there he was laying in the middle of my "Batcave" (My studio) with sad eyes. I held the head in one hand and looked at him. I shock my head and told him he was bad. I then said "Get your @$$ down in the kitchen" and he took off and ran. I looked and found the body to Batman and it was done for. So I just threw the figure out and shook my head.
   Looking back, at the time I was mad at him, but now its funny and everytime I think about entering the house seeing him trying to get back in the kitchen. Looking up seeing me and then b-lining for the stairs it makes me laugh out load immediately.

   Anyway, the end result of this all was the past two weeks were myself and my wife back and forth from New Jersey to Delaware to visit him in the Hospital. We thought he was going to make it and we were able to get the toxins out of his body. Thus giving us a year or two left with him. 4 days after he left the hospital we got test results that told us his levels were going back up and rapidly.
   Friday we were left with the horrible task of having to put him down. It has been a hard few days but I think things are going to be much better. For now when I get upset I think of Harvick decapitating Batman and can only laugh.

Rest in Peace Little Man!! You will forever be loved and missed...

See you all tomorrow with a new Blog (more Batman related. I just needed to do this one, hope you understand.)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Superman/Batman Movie?!?

   So apparently there has been some grumblings with the New "Man of Steel" movie on the horizons. For the past year the rumors have all been focused on DC/WB doing a "Justice League" movie following this summers "Man of Steel" (IF the movie is successful of course). I have heard so many rumors on this. Lets list a few...

   1. After Man of Steel DC will do a Justice League movie where the "NEW" Batman will feature and from there they will spawn off and do another series of Batman movies no longer in the Nolan-verse.
   2. **spoilers** Rolling off of the previous Rumor came another one where Joseph Gordon-Levitt would reprise his character of John Blake who takes over the Batman Mantle from Bruce Wayne at the end of The Dark Knight rises. (Gordon-Levitt as Batman)
   3. There was then the Rumor that at the end of The Man of Steel Superman would seek out Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) and urge him to return as Batman. This would be a post credits clip which would be via the Marvel style thats was done to build up the Avengers. Where Bruce would return as Batman in the new Justice League movies.

   The latest rumor has been growing as of late, and seems like people feel like its a strong possibility. It seems lately people feel like there is a good chance that Henry Cavill and Christian Bale could team up to do a Superman/Batman movie. It doesnt help the rumor that it hasnt been denied and in fact...Superman himself likes the idea. (Man of Steel wants to meet Batman)

   Now, lets say that this rumor is indeed fact. How would this affect Justice League? Let's pretend that this is indeed a fact how should DC and Warner Bros handle this all...

   Let them (Supes and Bats) remain in the Nolan-verse and just move the Justice League into another direction completely. I personally feel like they have done an amazing job with the Batman Movies and from what I have seen so far Superman will follow in that all. I think you dont want to continue down this road if you are DC/WB. The dropped into "reality" plots have worked wonders.
   I just personally feel that if Nolan isnt willing to over see all of your movies and all of your properties dont give it off to someone else to tinker with. Just move it into another direction completely (In terms of a Justice League movie).
   That said, IF there is a Superman/Batman movie, a team up of the World's Finest if you will? That makes complete sense. Both characters have lived in the Nolan-verse and letting those two continue would be awesome. I loved all of the Batman movies and feel like not only were they great Batman movies they were just great movies. If you take The Dark Knight; I will put that movie up against any movie ever and say it is hands down one of the best movies of all time.
   Now taking Superman and Batman and pushing them in a movie together would give most Batman fans exactly what they want. MORE BALE!! Most will argue that Michael Keaton is the best Batman ever (I will debate this at another bat-time). Personally I feel Bale was the best ever. (Including the voice that seems to annoy everyone and which I actually didnt mind at all, just made sense to me). So if you tell me I could get another Bale-Bat flick and possibly three more? Well then sign me up right now!!
   Again this is all rumors and no one will know for sure until after The Man of Steel really happens. Remember if Man of Steel does zero business in the box office then this all goes away (Superman Returns anyone?). Back when Superman Returns was buzzing and before it was released there were many rumors of a Superman vs Batman movie. That if you research you will even find quotes where Bale said it was green lit. Problem is Brandon Routh and Superman Returns flopped in terms of the money it made. Once that movie was viewed as a disaster Singer was shipped back to X-Men world and any idea of Routh as Superman meeting Batman died as well.
   I personally think DC/WB dont need a Superman/Batman movie at all. Would it be nice? Yes. would it be cool? Absolutely. I just think right now DC is doing so many amazing things (Arrow). Now, they dont have to have this movie but I think this would be a nice thing to do for the fans. The people who have supported DC and all they do. I think most comic book and especially DC fans would love to see this happen.
   There were MANY nights while watching "Smallville" I prayed a young Bruce Wayne would turn up in Smallville or Metropolis. The best thing was reference to him in the season finale, but that was enough for me.

   Anyway, thats my take on a Superman/Batman movie. I vote a yes. Lets hope Man of Steel does amazing next week and then makes Warner Bros want this to happen.

That is all for now...see you all next time in the Batcave...

Monday, May 27, 2013

The Dark Knight Returns

   The year was 1986, and I was 12 years old. I had been reading Batman for a few months at this point. I had heard about this comic book that was "changing everything". At 12 I had no idea what that meant. I just knew I had to have this book.
   It first came onto my radar one night watching the evening news. In 1986 it was always on, there was no 24 hour news stations so we had to watch the news at 4pm with Tom Brokaw (NBC) to figure out what was going on in the world. I remember watching the news and hearing about how DC was taking brave new steps with this book, and how it was going to change everything everyone knew about Batman.
   I remember saving my money for weeks. Even skipping my lunch so I could save the 2 dollars to put towards this book. The book was $12.95 and when I saved the money I begged my mom to take me to Beachcomber in the Shore Mall to get it. She had no clue what I was getting nor did I.
   I didnt know then, right away anyway; but I had missed the original 4 books DC put out and this was the trade paperback. A compiled edition of the book. I got this book and immediately dove in, I would read as much as I could nightly.
   As I read this book I was enjoying it immensely. It was not however till I got into the final pages of this book that I realized what it was that would draw me to Batman. The moment that would change everything for me. The image so engrained in my mind I still remember it vividly to this day. Dont get me wrong, there are so many amazing splash pages that Frank Miller does in this book. The imagine in particular is not a splash picture but it is truly epic in its own right.

   This image right here hit me; extremely hard. I remember being a kid and thinking to myself, " is going to beat Superman...HE IS AWESOME!!" It was not just that, it was Batman was representing the everyday man. The humans, the people who had to work hard to be great. In the book he is battling Superman, who is the do-good er. Who is working for the Government. Trying to stop Batman and Batman is just dismantling him.
   When I finished that book, I just stared at it for a few minutes, not really sure at that age what it was I just read. I just knew it was amazing and I wanted more of it. At that point I REALLY started buying everything to do with Batman. But I would continue to read The Dark Knight Returns over and over numerous times throughout my life. As the picture of my book shows by how worn out it is...

[My personal Copy of The Dark Knight Returns]
   Today I look at that book and I think to myself. What is it that made this so endearing to me? What is it that made me fall in love with this book? It was/is pretty simply. It was at that point that DC allowed someone to take the "diapers" off of their readers and just come at them with a real world feel. They didnt try spoon feeding us baby stuff, Frank Miller just said THIS is how if Batman were real. THIS is how he would be. 
   I still look back over this book and although now Millers art style is definitely stand out on his own. I think at that time thats another thing. The artists were no where near as polished as they are today. Greg Capullo, Jim Lee, Andy Kubert, Tony Daniel these artists today just wow you. Back then these artists were no where to be found. At that time Millers style just spoke volumes and wowed everyone. 
   The splash pages again were absolutely stunning. To any true comic book fan this is the one book you have. Not just Batman fans have this one. Comic book fans do because the recognize this book as the one that changed the way comic books would be written and viewed. 
   To me, this book is one of the all time greats and still holds up till this day. 

Thanks for letting me share a little bit with you all about this book...See you all next week in The Batcave...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Fatman on Batman

   So its no secret I love pretty much everything about Batman. The thing is though there is someone I truly admire and he is doing amazing things in regards to bringing the Bat right to me. Or at least the creative talent behind the comics, cartoons, everything.
   Kevin Smith (The Director of Clerks, @ThatKevinSmith on Twitter) has been doing a Podcast called Fatman on Batman. I have to start by saying if you have ANY interest at all in Batman then you have to listen to this Podcast. It is truly epic in that it brings you everything you want to know about the World of Gotham.
   What Kevin Smith does is truly awesome in the fact that he brings in such amazing talent and not only interviews them and talks about Batman. The thing is you get to hear how people got their starts in liking comics and Batman. To the point of how they break into "Batman". Hearing Mark Hamill explain his love for comics and how he never thought he would get cast as the Joker since he was Luke Skywalker. Hearing how Scott Snyder worked for Disney World as a "character" and this was to be his future. Listening to how Jim Lee's mom threw out his comic books when he was 13 years old. How Jims parents wanted him to be a doctor instead of an artist.
   Kevin Smith just has this creative way to get to the root of the story. The best thing is; he is known for talking a lot in real life. Yet in these podcasts he actually lets the creator talk. He knows the right questions to ask and to hear him "geek out" at the same points I do it is truly epic.
   The talent he has brought in to interview ranges from the cast of Batman the Animated Series, to Adam West (BATMAN HIMSELF!!) to Bat Writers Scott Snyder, Geoff Johns, and Jeph Loeb to DC Co-Publishers Dan DiDio and Jim Lee. (The list goes on...)
   Kevin Smith will never read this, that much I am pretty sure about. Regardless though I want to say "thank you" to him for the simple fact that each week he brings an enjoyment to my life that I always craved as a teenager. To know all I do about the creators of Batman...I now have it and it truly is amazing!!

See you all next time...from the Batcave...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Before we get started...[part 2]

-- Where I left off...
   Dave was/is my best friend. We both kind of just clicked when it came to being friends. We both loved baseball (He loved the A's, I loved the Giants). The bigger thing though was we both loved comic books. Him being a HUGE Marvel Guy (Wolverine was his guy) and I was a HUGE DC guy (Batman of course). I think to this day if you ask either of us, who is your favorite character in DC to him? He will say Batman. If you ask me mine in Marvel I'll reply Wolverine. This is the one thing we brought to each other was the knowledge of how amazing our favorite characters were.

   I continued to read comics all through high school and even a year or so after then I stopped...

   I think at this point you try to be "mature". Its time to "grow up". This all may very well be true. The thing of it is though comics and Batman always were in the back of my mind. Even though I stopped reading on a regular basis. I would still look back from time to time to see what was going on with the Bat. I would always look back over my shoulder as I was walking forward in my goal to be an adult. Looking back at my next best childhood friend to see what he was doing. I think I was always looking back and thinking about Bruce Wayne and what was becoming of him. Even though I would stop reading Batman on a regular basis I still made my love for Batman be known.

   I was off and on with Batman...till right around December 2002. 10 years of off and on reading culminated with my return to comic books...Batman Hush...

Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb roped me in, and in a big way. I fell in love with Jim Lee's artistic style and the way he drew Batman. Growing up my favorite Bat artist was Norm Breyfogyle but there was something about Lee that just blew me away. Well, then again, just look at the picture above. Its just amazing. Hush was a 12 part series that brought me back to the Bat like never before. The storyline was just unreal. The love story between Batman and Catwoman.

   It was just a rich story that told the story of a new Bat Villian (Which has the GREATEST Rogues Gallery in all of Comics). As well as the toying of the return of Jason Todd who was brutally murdered by The Joker back in the 80's.

   This story arc is hands down one of my all time favorites. What this did to me though was brought me from comics into my next love. Statues. I bought my first statue shortly after I read the Batman Hush storyline. It was a  Batman statue based on the art work of Jim Lee from the Hush story.

   I felt this was what I should do rather than buy comics. I would start collecting statues. A much greater and quicker return on my money. (Not that I have ever sold a statue) Hence where the term or phrase "Blogging from the Batcave" comes from. While collecting statues I started calling my "studio" the Batcave. Simply because I have Batman statues all over the room. 

   So this kind of explains some background in my years of the Bat. I will use this blog to talk about various Batman related topics that I find near and dear to my heart. From certain books, to statues, to movies to other great moments. 

   See you all next time....from the Batcave...

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Before we get started...[part 1]

So before we get started. I think I need to perhaps explain a little bit about why I am doing this. What this is all about. What would possess me to "blog" about "the bat".

For those who know me, they know I have what most would view or call an obsession with Batman. I chose to call it falling in love with something at an early age, losing that love for a short amount of time to only come back to it and never wanting to let it go again.

--Where it all began?
   Obviously for most it starts with the 1966 Batman TV show. I remember being a little kid and watching this show (In syndication at this point). I remember coming home from school and only catching the midway point because that's just how things landed for me. Then of course it was the Brady Bunch after. Yet that short period of time was heaven seeing the Bat climbing up the side of a building with Robin.

   That's where it began, but not where it officially began. It officially began in February of 1987.


   I can remember walking into the drug store one Saturday morning after my mom had finished grocery shopping (Yes, there were not drug stores in the grocery stores back then). So I was with my mom and I saw this image, of a young Bruce Wayne, laying over top of his Parents, yet at the time I didn't know it was Bruce Wayne and didn't know it was his parents. I just saw this cover of a young boy kneeling over two adults a man and a woman and one could easily assume it was his parents. I took the book to my mom and asked her to buy me the book. It was a mere 75 cents and I knew she would let me. She nodded and agreed and I was off and running. 

   Growing up I knew my father was a fan of Batman. (And he was always drawing when I was growing up) So I was excited to get home and show him as well. Later when I got home I dove in and started reading this story. When it was done I was craving more. Luckily for me I didn't know it then but this was the launching point of the "new" Batman. 

   The next weekend I rushed to the drug store once more to get the next book, little did I know that issue was actually a couple months old and just happened to be sitting there. I was then left reading issue 407, the conclusion. That was OK with me. (And eventually years later I was able to track down those missing two issues.)

  I was off and running at this point, I couldn't get enough and was reading Detective very soon after I started on Batman. Pretty much anything Batman I was reading. If Batman was on the cover I bought it. (I also started to read Superman titles as well)

   At some point I saw in the back of an issue where you could order "subscriptions" to comic book titles and they would deliver them to your house. That was ALL me, I could never miss a title? YES!! So I would save up my allowance and when I got the 12 dollars together I would give it to my mom and she would write a check and order the books. Soon I had Batman, Detective, Superman and The Man of Steel coming to the house.

   I was in 7th grade at this point and was soaking up comic books. When I moved into 8th grade I would meet my best friend Dave who was a Marvel guy. We became friends while trading baseball cards and in that conversation started talking about comic books. It was Dave who introduced me to "comic book shops". Actual places that ALL they sold was comic books. We had a collectibles shop that sold a lot. There was a comic book shop called The Fantasy Factory that was just awesome. 

   I continued to read comics all through high school and even a year or so after then I stopped...

And this is where I will stop this for now. I will continue this next time. :)