Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Before we get started...[part 2]

-- Where I left off...
   Dave was/is my best friend. We both kind of just clicked when it came to being friends. We both loved baseball (He loved the A's, I loved the Giants). The bigger thing though was we both loved comic books. Him being a HUGE Marvel Guy (Wolverine was his guy) and I was a HUGE DC guy (Batman of course). I think to this day if you ask either of us, who is your favorite character in DC to him? He will say Batman. If you ask me mine in Marvel I'll reply Wolverine. This is the one thing we brought to each other was the knowledge of how amazing our favorite characters were.

   I continued to read comics all through high school and even a year or so after then I stopped...

   I think at this point you try to be "mature". Its time to "grow up". This all may very well be true. The thing of it is though comics and Batman always were in the back of my mind. Even though I stopped reading on a regular basis. I would still look back from time to time to see what was going on with the Bat. I would always look back over my shoulder as I was walking forward in my goal to be an adult. Looking back at my next best childhood friend to see what he was doing. I think I was always looking back and thinking about Bruce Wayne and what was becoming of him. Even though I would stop reading Batman on a regular basis I still made my love for Batman be known.

   I was off and on with Batman...till right around December 2002. 10 years of off and on reading culminated with my return to comic books...Batman Hush...

Jim Lee and Jeph Loeb roped me in, and in a big way. I fell in love with Jim Lee's artistic style and the way he drew Batman. Growing up my favorite Bat artist was Norm Breyfogyle but there was something about Lee that just blew me away. Well, then again, just look at the picture above. Its just amazing. Hush was a 12 part series that brought me back to the Bat like never before. The storyline was just unreal. The love story between Batman and Catwoman.

   It was just a rich story that told the story of a new Bat Villian (Which has the GREATEST Rogues Gallery in all of Comics). As well as the toying of the return of Jason Todd who was brutally murdered by The Joker back in the 80's.

   This story arc is hands down one of my all time favorites. What this did to me though was brought me from comics into my next love. Statues. I bought my first statue shortly after I read the Batman Hush storyline. It was a  Batman statue based on the art work of Jim Lee from the Hush story.

   I felt this was what I should do rather than buy comics. I would start collecting statues. A much greater and quicker return on my money. (Not that I have ever sold a statue) Hence where the term or phrase "Blogging from the Batcave" comes from. While collecting statues I started calling my "studio" the Batcave. Simply because I have Batman statues all over the room. 

   So this kind of explains some background in my years of the Bat. I will use this blog to talk about various Batman related topics that I find near and dear to my heart. From certain books, to statues, to movies to other great moments. 

   See you all next time....from the Batcave...

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