Monday, May 27, 2013

The Dark Knight Returns

   The year was 1986, and I was 12 years old. I had been reading Batman for a few months at this point. I had heard about this comic book that was "changing everything". At 12 I had no idea what that meant. I just knew I had to have this book.
   It first came onto my radar one night watching the evening news. In 1986 it was always on, there was no 24 hour news stations so we had to watch the news at 4pm with Tom Brokaw (NBC) to figure out what was going on in the world. I remember watching the news and hearing about how DC was taking brave new steps with this book, and how it was going to change everything everyone knew about Batman.
   I remember saving my money for weeks. Even skipping my lunch so I could save the 2 dollars to put towards this book. The book was $12.95 and when I saved the money I begged my mom to take me to Beachcomber in the Shore Mall to get it. She had no clue what I was getting nor did I.
   I didnt know then, right away anyway; but I had missed the original 4 books DC put out and this was the trade paperback. A compiled edition of the book. I got this book and immediately dove in, I would read as much as I could nightly.
   As I read this book I was enjoying it immensely. It was not however till I got into the final pages of this book that I realized what it was that would draw me to Batman. The moment that would change everything for me. The image so engrained in my mind I still remember it vividly to this day. Dont get me wrong, there are so many amazing splash pages that Frank Miller does in this book. The imagine in particular is not a splash picture but it is truly epic in its own right.

   This image right here hit me; extremely hard. I remember being a kid and thinking to myself, " is going to beat Superman...HE IS AWESOME!!" It was not just that, it was Batman was representing the everyday man. The humans, the people who had to work hard to be great. In the book he is battling Superman, who is the do-good er. Who is working for the Government. Trying to stop Batman and Batman is just dismantling him.
   When I finished that book, I just stared at it for a few minutes, not really sure at that age what it was I just read. I just knew it was amazing and I wanted more of it. At that point I REALLY started buying everything to do with Batman. But I would continue to read The Dark Knight Returns over and over numerous times throughout my life. As the picture of my book shows by how worn out it is...

[My personal Copy of The Dark Knight Returns]
   Today I look at that book and I think to myself. What is it that made this so endearing to me? What is it that made me fall in love with this book? It was/is pretty simply. It was at that point that DC allowed someone to take the "diapers" off of their readers and just come at them with a real world feel. They didnt try spoon feeding us baby stuff, Frank Miller just said THIS is how if Batman were real. THIS is how he would be. 
   I still look back over this book and although now Millers art style is definitely stand out on his own. I think at that time thats another thing. The artists were no where near as polished as they are today. Greg Capullo, Jim Lee, Andy Kubert, Tony Daniel these artists today just wow you. Back then these artists were no where to be found. At that time Millers style just spoke volumes and wowed everyone. 
   The splash pages again were absolutely stunning. To any true comic book fan this is the one book you have. Not just Batman fans have this one. Comic book fans do because the recognize this book as the one that changed the way comic books would be written and viewed. 
   To me, this book is one of the all time greats and still holds up till this day. 

Thanks for letting me share a little bit with you all about this book...See you all next week in The Batcave...

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